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As we continue to trust God through these uncertain days, the mission of Christ Fellowship remains the help you follow Jesus. Our regathering phases are designed to empower our families and you to choose the best engaging environments to help you thrive, not only spiritually, but also physically during this pandemic.

Matrimonio en escombros
Lleva tu matrimonio de los escombros a estar firme en la Roca.
Matrimonio en escombros
Parte 3: El llamado del esposo
Pastor Jose Peña
13 sept 2020
Notas del mensaje
Colosenses 3:18-19
El esposo es llamado a _______ a su esposa.
El esposo es llamado a amar a su esposa __________________.
Sacrifica tu _______________.
Sacrifica tus ____________.
Sacrifica tu ___________.
Llamado a amar a su esposa con _____________.
Con ___________ tierno
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